What is PCM and PCM full form – Full Guide 2024

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What is PCM and PCM full form, Hello friends, welcome to all of you on our website fullformsmeaning. Today we are here for you with important information known as “what is PCM and PCM full form.

Friends, have you also searched about full form of PCM, PCM full form in study, PCM subject full form, and BSc PCM full form, etc And you are disappointed because not getting a satisfactory answer so you have come to the right place to Know the basics about PCM full form in education, PCM full form in medical, PCM full form in science, and what is the full form of PCM, etc.

Friends, PCM is a course that covers the basic principles of physics, chemistry, and math. It is designed for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the sciences.

Stay till the end of the article, you get all information related to PCM.

What is PCM and PCM full form?

PCM full form

– physics

C – Chemistry

M – math

Thus the full form of PCM is “physics, chemistry, and math”.

Another full form of PCM

Short form         

Long form

PCM full form in automobiles    

Powertrain control module

PCM full form in audio  

Pulse-Code Modulation

PCM full form in audio format   

Pulse-Code Modulation

PCM full form in army   

Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics

PCM full form in accommodation           

Per calendar month

PCM full form in biology             

Pericentriolar material

PCM full form in biochemistry   

Physics, maths and chemistry

PCM full form in banking            

Professional Clearing Member

PCM full form in business           

Payments and Cash Management

PCM full form in college              

Physics, maths and chemistry

PCM full form in commerce       

Physics, maths and chemistry

PCM full form in car       

Powertrain control module

PCM full form in chat    

Please Call Me

PCM full form in education        

Physics, maths and chemistry

PCM full form in electrical           

Pulse Code Modulation

PCM full form in engineering     

Physics, maths and chemistry.

PCM full form in economics       

Perfectly competitive market

PCM full form in finance             

Payments and Cash Management

PCM full form in the form           

Pulse code modulation

PCM full form in intermediate   

Physics, maths and chemistry

PCM full form in job      

Per calendar month

PCM full form in logistics             

Product cost management

PCM full form in material            

Phase change materials

PCM full form in nutrition           

Protein-Calorie Malnutrition

PCM full form in navy   

Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics

PCM full form in nutrition           

Protein-Calorie Malnutrition

PCM full form in the office         

Per calendar month

PCM full form in the project       

Per calendar month

PCM full form in project management   

Project cycle management

PCM full form in quality

Pulse-Code Modulation

PCM full form in rent     

Per calendar month

PCM full form in study  

Physics ,maths and chemistry

PCM full form in sound 

Pulse-Code Modulation

PCM full form in the text             

Please Call Me

PCM full form in the UK

Per calendar month


What Is PCM?

PCM i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Maths are the subjects of science streams. The subjects cover the topics of motion, energy, matter, and waves. It also includes a lab component, which gives students the opportunity to apply the concepts they have learned.

Students can have basic knowledge of these subjects Physics, Chemistry and Biology till 10th class, are included in the same book of Science and senior secondary All subjects are taught separately.

What Is The Meaning Of PCM?

PCM has other popular meanings than physics, chemistry & math. PCM (Pulse-Code Modulation) is a type of process that helps in converting analog signals into digital signals.  This technique is used in the field of communication. We also use this process in our daily life, like- when you talk through the telephone when your voice is present in an analog signal and it is converted with the help of PCM.


What is the full form of PCM?

The full form of PCM is “pulse code modulation“.

What does PCM stand for?

PCM stands for “physics, chemistry, and math“.

What have you learned?

Through the above article what is PCM and PCM full form, I have told you the full form of PCM, PCM full form in the study, PCM subject full form, and bsc PCM full form, PCM full form in education, PCM full form in medical, PCM full form in science, and what is the full form of PCM, etc.

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Thanks for staying till the end of the article.

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